Rule #2: Looking IS Touching


Almost every guy has heard the sayings: “Look but don’t touch” or “Just because I’m in a relationship doesn’t mean I can’t look at a beautiful woman.” Well sorry to break it to you guys, but that’s wrong. If you are ‘seeing someone’ or in a relationship, it is 150% unclassy to be checking out another girl. A lot of times it can be wrong to check out girls even if you are single, such as staring or eyeing them in an uncomfortable way. Here’s a girl’s opinion. It doesn’t matter if you see your current relationship as something that is going to last the rest of your life, or if you aren’t quite sure where your relationship is headed. A relationship is a commitment, and when you make that commitment you are committing your loyalty to that girl (or guy!). And checking out another person while in that relationship is wrong.

“This guy is crazy!” some of you guys might be thinking. Now hear me out for a tiny bit longer, then you can decide on your own what you are going to do. I’m not expecting you to be perfect in your relationship. Us males make a LOT of mistakes, and I’m far from perfect myself. What I’m talking about is making the consistent, intentional effort here to not check anyone out while you are in a relationship (once again, I will reiterate that the same rules apply for if you are ‘seeing’ someone). It’s not easy, boys. We were programmed with a sex drive, that’s a fact. But WE control our actions. So fight the good fight!
And while we are on the subject, it might not be remiss to include a few healthy relationship tips for us guys who so often screw up or forget them!

10 thoughts on “Rule #2: Looking IS Touching

  1. JBlay says:

    I do this all the time, not going to lie… Women are beautiful and it’s against human nature to not be attracted to other people. My girlfriend looks at girls with me as well as other guys, and I admit when I think a male is good looking, too. As long as you’re not hiding it or lying about it or actually cheating, I think it makes for a healthy relationship when you can be honest with each other. But hey, to each their own!


    • Josiah Menicanin says:

      I think it’s definitely a different story when both people do that and are completely open about it, Jeff! I think it’s so cool that you guys can be so open and honest, and I wouldn’t want you to think I was talking about a case like that! ! I was talking about cases where a person does it all the time, and makes their partner/SO/whatever feel uncomfortable, THAT’S when it’s a problem, or unclassy. 🙂


    • Diana says:

      Josiah, I completely agree with your point but I have to say I don’t think its realistic! If Adriana Lima walks by in a Victoria Secret bathing suit I’m totally checking her out – and so are you!

      – Diana

      Liked by 2 people

      • Josiah Menicanin says:

        Is it bad that I actually don’t know who that is? lol But I agree that no one will ever be perfect, that’s for sure! Only saying us guys should challenge ourselves and strive to be better and as gentlemanly as possible!


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